Mark came up and we worked late. I'll not write much because I need to go to bed, but here are some shots, Mark with his painted dishes, Jars with lids(I'll turn the lids and throw the knobs on tomorrow) and teapots I decorated yesterday. Bottles to make tomorrow and maybe a cider jar if my poor skinny arms will take it.

I love those teapots and that clay! Wow, I swear it looks just like my yankee clay here in NC. Nice deco on Mark's pots, too. I was up late making pots, too. It's always quiet, and I tend to have better focus.
Hey Doug, I guess you're getting close to having a load ready. ?
I like Marks pots too. Catch ya later. You guys did a good job on Hannah's 'cake'. Later,
Hi guys. Reckon I've got more than a kiln load but I'm going to carry on making for another week then do back to back firings. I'm hoping to get two through before the end of March, although it's a tall order as I'll have to bisc with wood.
Mark's stuff's cool isn't it? It's good to have him around because mark-making comes easy to him so it helps to free me up - and I can pinch his ideas! We're going to try and make stuff together every Wednesday night. By contrast Michael, my days tend to be quiet and focused and my evenings with Mark, noisy and blurred!
I'm looking forward to seeing what the clay does. What temp does your local stuff go to Michael?
The red dirt fired by itself will stand cone 10 but that's pushing it. When blended with fire clay , no problem. the red dirt is loaded with fine mica and I think that keeps it from slumping more than it does. But at cone 10 it starts moving and the pots begin to deform around the wads that I put on all of the pots. Especially plates. Do you have any mica in your wild clay?
I don't know really, there's grit in it but I don't know about mica. I'm looking forward to making some pots with it next week.
I'll send a sample of my local stuff for you to try. I'll send some with your pottery prize.
Thanks Michael, that would be brilliant, best check the postage cost first!
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