Thursday 13 December 2012

Going live tomorrow

Good morning big wide world. My word it's been chilly round these parts recently, with the last of the floods in the lanes, frozen and treacherous. The days have been beautiful, with the ice twinkling in the bright sunshine and the night skies, so clear that you can see the Milky Way - mindblowing.

I haven't made any pots for a while as I've been putting my energy in to getting my new web site completed, ready for its launch tomorrow. It goes live at 10 am. There's still a fair bit to do on it today.

I am so completely useless at packaging and dispatch, so my friend Jonny, the photographer and designer of my site, is going to manage that side of things thank goodness. There are about forty new pots for sale. I'm almost, almost, getting organised. Here's a link to the site 

I think Mr Duck became fox food a few weeks ago as he disappeared overnight. Poor Mrs Duck has been pining for him and making an almighty racket which has been driving everybody crazy. So yesterday I took a trip to a local farm to buy her a new mate. They seemed to hit it off right from the start bless 'em, it was all very sweet. I wonder if she'll bring him to the workshop for breakfast this morning.

Happy Thursday y'all