We visited a number of local potters. This is Ron Geering's showroom. Unfortunately we didn't get to meet Ron as he was in the UK at the time, but it was great to see his pots.

And this is Kimberly Sheerin Madeiros.
The workshop was held in the local High School. It was interesting to see inside an American school - I was reminded of a show my boys used to watch, called Saved by the Bell. We were absolutely terrified! We were presented with Falmouth High School sweatshirts which we're wearing in this photo.
Hannah did her magic with the slip trailer, which wowed the folks at each of the workshops.
I think that the finished piece is to be auctioned to raise funds to help the potters of Japan who were affected by the earthquake and tsunami.
The Cape Cod Potters. These were lovely people, really good fun to be with.
And afterwards, on to an 'English' pub, which was quite authentic - it could almost have been beside the sea in Exmouth - there was even English beer. Hannah and I were both greatly relieved at this stage - we'd been terrified, but we'd done it! Beeeeer :-)
The birds were amazing - huge Ospreys, nesting on a platform beside a lake.
And some kind of strange wading bird.
Oak and ash, leaf resist jug
Some jugs with applied decoration upturned to dry their bases.
I didn't quite get my timing right on this large harvest jug - oops, try again.
8.5lb low-bellied 'medieval' jug. It's curious, I wondered how the trip would influence the pots I make. I think rather than showing American influence, they're more 'English' than ever - perhaps I have a much stronger sense of my own identity?
A crazy experiment
This is a collaborative pot, made by me, then stunningly decorated by my friend Andrew Grundon.
It's going to an exhibition in the Imagine Gallery, Long Melford, Suffolk, the subject, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
We're enjoying doing these pieces together. This is a puzzle jug commemorating the recent Royal Wedding.
He's a clever boy.....
...with a sweet smile
He came up from Cornwall to deliver the pots on Thursday, then stayed for the day and we cracked on with finishing construction of the workshop.
Here's the latest addition, belted together with big nails and made entirely from salvaged materials. It looks a bit of a mess at the moment, but a lick of paint and it'll look sweet.
That's all for the moment - are you still awake?! More soon, bye for now
So more pictures of the trip to follow in subsequent posts, but now on to current stuff that's happening in the workshop. I'm making pots now for Earth & Fire at Rufford and trying to catch up on a number of orders that I meant to get made before I went away, but ran out of time.