Sad in our house tonight, I just had to bury our sweet little cat Butch. We had her as a kitten in Liverpool nearly eighteen years ago, so she was a very old lady and has been one of our family for a very long time. People drive too fast in this village on roads that aren't supposed to be for cars. A more loved cat there'll never be, she's going to be missed terribly.
Sorry to hear about your loss.
Thanks Ron, it was a horrible shock and I hate seeing the boys so upset. You know how it is with pets. Butch was older than the boys so they'd had her around all their lives and spoiled her rotten. At least it was quick, she was a terrible mess. She used to freak out in the car if ever we had to take her to the vets and at eighteen, such journeys were likely to become imminent so perhaps better she went while she was still relatively fit. Silly animal used to sit in the road and there are just too many boy racers around here to get away with that for ever. She was a pain in the butt, always under our feet in the kitchen begging food. Missed her already tonight when I opened a can and didn't have her going crazy thinking it was food for her bless her. She was a pain in the arse but I loved her!
I was out today by the shed and noticed some big paw prints left some time ago by Perry in the dried mud there. I still have to remind myself in the mornings that I don't have to let him out. He was a huge pain too, wrecking things during thunder storms and eating all manner of stuff, I think he was part goat. We miss him still, and I think Karma does too.
Anyhow, I hope you all have a good weekend.
I gotta practice my pitchers, I had a lousy day trying them.
Cheers Ron. I had a lousy day yesterday, that's one of the reasons why I took today off. Glad I did because the boys get home before me usually and would have had to deal with all that stuff. What was going wrong with your pitchers? I dusted a big one of Clive's and one of Svend's today and was thinking that I must get a photo of them for you. I stuck that one on my blog of Svend's earlier in the week because I thought it may be useful. You made some a while back that were great I thought. I must copy that passage from Cardew's book for you, it made things a lot easier for me because it kind of talks you through the shape.
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