Here's a picture of Philip Leach setting the kiln, about to put in a little penguin model made by my younger boy Joe.
The lady who's helping him is Margaret Squance, who is E.B.Fishley's great granddaughter. Margaret's commisioned the book The Fishleys of Freminton by John Edgeler, which will be launched at the weekend. The book's got one of my pots in it and an accompanying interview so I'm looking forward to seeing it - not least to find out whether I said anything too stupid.
We should finish the pack tomorrow(Wednesday) in readiness for firing on Thursday, then the kiln will be opened on Sunday in the company of Henry Sandon of Antiques Roadshow fame.
Nice pics doug, i didn't realise it was fancy dress!!!
hey doug is that fence to keep the moshers in or out? and is there any cider involved?
Looks fab - can't wait to see what comes out.
Can't wait.
Hey You've been 'tagged'. Read about it here
Hope you'll play along. Your pal, Ron
I look forward to seeing those robust jugs fired...and it's so nice to be able to use the word 'jugs'!
I was confused by your comment about Ray on my blog...I couldn't tell if you were asking me or telling me about him making pots. I haven't spoken with the Winchcombe folks for a while...last I had heard Ray was still recuperating.Is he back on his wheel.
did you take any shots of the firing? so how does this one work then????
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