Sunday 12 February 2012

Love Daddy Rock

Hello folks
Well I haven't got to Scotland yet as there was a slight change of plan, so I'm back in Devon now after a lovely visit to my parents' place over the weekend. I'm heading off early tomorrow morning to Alex's house, then on from there to Hannah's. I'll have covered a few miles by the time I get home on Thursday.

Here's something not related to pottery, but to another major vent of expression which is really important in my life, my band The Love Daddies.

My son Joe just stitched this video together. He's a bit of a whizz on computers, (although he was unable to make any of us look any prettier I'm sorry to say). I'm always left baffled when I see the way youngsters can find their way round these machines.

We're trying to get a gig in Exeter, supporting the singer songwriter Graham Coxon. I'd be really grateful if you'd follow this link and then click the 'Like' button or Tweet button to help our cause. Of course we'll remember you all in our wills when we become an internationally renowned rock stars. Hmm, that might take a while, so in the meantime, I won't give up the day job. Thank you :-)

Back soon with blogging from across the border - how exciting.

Bye for now


Lorraine said...

Tick Tock Tick Tock! Your song is too true. I enjoyed it and will click the link. My son is a wizard on computers too. He clicks so fast I can't even see what he did. I guess I'll have to be nice to him :>

Quietly Otaku said...

Good luck! Hope you make your trip out soon, looks like the weather this week is better after the thaw : )

ang design said...

nice work joe!!!! and trippy tune fitchy :))