Tuesday 28 February 2012

Monday on Tuesday

Yesterday was along one - I finally left the workshop at 10pm. It was good though and I got a whole lot done. My intention was to make some teapots, but I got distracted by making jugs and bigger bowls - maybe teapots will happen today. It's going to be late nights all the way this week.

I'm really enjoying blogging again. There was a time that I found it hard to keep up with because I'd be so exhausted after a day in the workshop, that my mind wouldn't function properly. I've taken to doing it in the mornings now, when the house is empty and my brain is recharged - it's so much easier.

Here's a shabbily thrown together film of yesterday's action. I must get around to buying a new camera so that I can put some stills on here - I know not everybody likes the video format and to see me moving around, frightens the children.

Well, I'd better get to work.

Have a lovely day my blogging chums, catch you later.


Anonymous said...

Hello Doug,

I've been following your blog for a while and this is my first comment. You are making beautiful pots! Keep making more please. I also have to say that your blog is wonderful , I enjoy every post, but do find some time to get a new (or old) camera. I enjoy the photographs.I'm a bit envious you have green grass and flowers outside you shop when we have snow on the ground here and probably will for some time. Anyways I'm sure you working away like mad. Good luck with the teabowl firing.
I'll keep checking in.

Andrew Langille
Kentville, Nova Scotia

cookingwithgas said...

chuckle-and old ladies as well!
I like your video's but can't see them on my old computer- sends me upstairs to the wee computer.

doug Fitch said...

Cheers Andrew, thank you for chipping in here, good to meet another red mud man :) Meredith,now I feel really guilty - just ordered a new camera which will arrive tomorrow :-)