Tuesday 21 February 2012


I finished turning bowls today, then turned footrings on some little cups that I threw yesterday. These will all be decorated tomorrow. I wanted to get some more pots made today, but it took all my time to finish up yesterday's make. Late night working tomorrow with Marky Mark, so I should get plenty done.

Here's what today looked like.....

Bye for now


Hollis Engley said...

I love the little tutorials, Doug. And the sheep.

doug Fitch said...

Cheers Hollis - tutorials would suggest that I'm doing it right and I don't know if I am!

ang design said...

ha!! we have a man down, a man down!!! poor wee fella. eating breakie from your honey glazed porridge bowl :)) yes it lives on chips and all

Hollis Engley said...

I'd say there's not much question that you're doing it right, my friend.

Ron said...

Nice catch.

gz said...

I find working under artificial light difficult, even using two light sources to combat the flatness- pots look so different when you look at them again in real light.
How do you get round this?

Anna M. Branner said...

So glad to see a professional use bits of clay to hold his centered pot....now I feel better. ;)

Joe Troncale said...

Made with love. Nice video. Nice pots...
And yes, great catch! Ever tried American baseball?

doug Fitch said...

Hollis, I'm relieved you said that because I've been copying yours!

Yey Ang - yours are getting some use here too, as does the plate you made in my workshop

Gwynneth, the lighting in my workshop has been terrible, but I just bought some angle poise lamps from Ikea for £8 each and they're fantastic - except one fell on my head this evening!

Ron, I squashed it

Cricket in my youth Joe :)

Anna, it didn't work though!