Friday 10 February 2012


Hello folks

I'm writing this blog from the comfort of my parents' house in Bedford, which is my first port of call, during a week of travelling about the country. It's a journey that will culminate in an adventure across the border to visit a certain red haired potter, with whom I'm sure most of you are very familiar. See clue below.....

On Sunday I'll head off from here to Bolton, to stay with Hil's family for a night, then across to Alex' house on Monday morning and we'll travel up to Scotland together from there. Note Hannah clutching a hot water bottle, it's a lot colder up there - I've packed my thermals!

It'll be great to see Alex and Hannah, I haven't seen either of them for a while. We're going to fire Hannah's wood kiln on Wednesday, which will be very exciting.

So I got everything finished off in the workshop this morning before we left - actually these particular ones were decorated yesterday as the video below will show.
Here are some I made earlier.

So on to the video.

I walked to work yesterday as Hil's car was in for repair and so she had mine. It was a bright, cold, winter's day, but absolutely beautiful. I need to walk more often. The Devon countryside is such an inspiration, whatever the weather.

Well that's all for now, I expect my next blog will be from the frozen north.

Happy weekend everybody.


Hollis Engley said...

Looked like a lovely day, Doug. Except for what I guess was an inadvertent step in a semi-frozen mud puddle. Say hello to the redheaded potter for us.

Dennis Allen said...
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Dennis Allen said...

Have fun. Sounds like a great way to spend the week.

gz said...

good to see you cleaning up too- try dampened sawdust on the floor- soaks dust up beautifully- I get huge bags from the local joiner, free!!


Wow nice pottery nd it seems u r having great fun

Anna M. Branner said...

Have a great week away. Here's to a great firing at Hannah's....

You've made me feel guilty. My studio is past due for a good cleaning...

doug Fitch said...

Thanks all, I'll carry your love to Scotland. Good idea Gwynneth, I know a guy locally who could help me out with that.

Anna, don't feel too guilty, it's taken me seven years! :-)

Tracey Broome said...

I'm loving these videos Doug! Reminds me of why I started reading your blog years ago :)

doug Fitch said...

Thank you Tracey - I was watching Ang's video of our trip round Seagrove - what a great day that was :)

Dixie Nichols said...

Funny! Nice stove too.

doug Fitch said...

Hi Dixie
It is a splendid stove - I swapped it for a set of dinner plates - I think I got a good deal there, even though I really dislike making plates.