Friday 2 April 2010


24 mugs handles and srigged today, each with a different design.

Off to pay some tax to Mr Darling


Clarke Green said...
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Clarke Green said...

Hey Doug - as someone who keeps a blog and attempts to wrest a living from craft (woodturning). I have enjoyed reading about and watching your work for some months.
Blogging and craftwork are done in relative isolation and can play on one's mind at times.
Please accept this as an unsolicited encouragement to keep at it. I admire your work and writing and look forward to reading and seeing more.

Ron said...

Cheers Doug!

ang design said...


Jude said...

loverly .mugs....!

Jude said...
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doug Fitch said...

Howdy all, thanks. Cheers Clarke, good to 'meet' you