Wednesday 21 April 2010

8lb jugs

8lb jugs made from clay from the stream


Anna M. Branner said...


ang design said...


Mr. Young said...

Love that clay!

Craig Edwards said...

8lb jugs are one of my favorite pots, and yours are Groovus Maximus
Must go and make some!! Pot lust is striking me to the very quick!

Brad Lail said...

OH YEA!!!!! I love that clay so stinkin much!! I remember digging that stuff and it looks so beautiful in the form of these freshly made jugs!! I am jealous and wish I could be there digging some awesome mud!! Have fun Doug! Keep up the good work!

doug Fitch said...

Cheers all, good to meet you Mr Young. 8lb are a good size - not too big, not too small

Brad, the 'Confident Cock' pot is a treasure that lives in my workshop, you made it from the clay from the stream - come back some time and make some more!