Friday 10 October 2008

Hello deer

Marky Mark had the day off work today so came to play with clay. We worked late into the evening.

For Hannah.

It was a beautiful day again today. The workshop's under the flightpath for Exeter airport and on a blue sky day like today, we get fantastic stripes in the sky.

We took a stroll into the woods this evening. On our way back we spotted this red deer. The video ends with a view of the back of my workshop, so you'll get an idea of why I find my outlook such a distraction.

Happy weekend all.


ang design said...

how cool, nice bit of panning work there..

Unknown said...

...definitely can see why you get distracted!....quite a similar feel here, up in the Galloway hills. Love the big jug! Amanda x

Ron said...

beautiful to see the deer moving across the field. Hope you've had a good weekend