Friday 10 October 2008


Today's been a day of decorating. My friend and photographer Johnny came over to take a series of pictures for a forthcoming book about slipware.

We had to set up in a nearby barn as my workshop was too dark and outside was brilliant sunshine and, believe it or not, too bright - that makes a change, what a beautiful day. John's a great photographer and understands how to use light to its best. I haven't got any of the photos yet, but I'll post a couple when I get them.

This is a page from my scrappy sketchbook. I try and do a bit of scribbling every day, all really quickly jotted ideas. I find it essential before I throw, in order to get a full understanding of the form before I make it. Decoration gets jotted in too, but mainly just as a memory jogger, I tend to try decoration out using the bit of board with slip on it that I described recently.

These are my decorating tools, rubber kidneys with teeth cut for combing, rubber tipped styluses and a beechwood stick for drawing.

These are some of the pots I decorated for the camera today.

The downer of the day, my electric kiln has stopped working for some reason. Differant Dave is coming to have a look at it in the morning. I really hope he can sort it out for me, bisc firing with it has revolutionised the workshop.

Marky Mark's got a day off tomorrow so is coming up to the workshop to make some pots - looking forward to that.


klineola said...

Great picture of the banding wheel and view outside the shop. So dramatic. I'm glad you're getting the attention you deserve. I look forward to getting the book. I trust you will announce it when it is published.

ang design said...

What a lovely group of pots and fantastic getting some pro shots done, it's good to have others perspective I'm looking forward to seeing them, you know sadly I'm stuck in front of my computer most days working when i'd rather have mud up to my elbows! but i love seeing what you're up to!! spiffy stuff dougstar..

Margaret Brampton said...

That is an imposing group of pots. I'm looking forward to seeing them glazed. I hope that you get the electric kiln repaired as biscuit firing with it sounds like such a good way of working.

Ron said...

Those deco'd pots look great. Hope to catch up with you today.

Paul Jessop said...

Doug, Those decorated pots look splendid. it took me a while to see them I was still dazzled by how clean your workshop was when we popped in yesterday.
Nice to see you again always an inspirational visit.

doug Fitch said...

Hello all! They should look very different when they're fired. There are quite a few whith white slip over black slip. The manganese breaks through the surface and bleeds into the glaze - should be pretty if it works. Good seeing you too Paul.