Wednesday 22 October 2008

Tugs or mankards?

Boots, lovely, dry-stockinged, comfortable, foot-supporting, go anywhere boots.........ahhhhhhhhh, beauty, I love them already.

Here are some pots I made on Monday from the woodland clay that I dug a few weeks ago when the film was being made. I sieved all of the bits of twig and grit and root out of this batch, so it just contained the smaller grains of naturally occurring sand - a whole lot smoother than the stuff I usually use.

It was delightful to throw with, really responsive and plastic. Because of the lack of hardcore, it made for pots at least a third bigger than I would be able to make from the same weight of my usual clay. Hence these are neither mugs nor tankards, they're somewhere in-between. I decided to take some time experimenting with applied decoration, including the use of some roulette wheels that I made ages ago - they're what makes the bobbly bits on the horizontal strips of the foreground mug.

Paint:Mud:Wood is still on for another two days. I hope to be there tomorrow, but just for a change, the car's gone wrong again, so I've to take it to town in the morning to find out the bad news about it, with the hope that I might get back to the gallery in time to catch up with my friend Johnny who is going to be there documenting the show.

Today I had some more pots from the kiln that I was unable to get out in time for the Crediton show, including this little cook pot that I was really pleased with.


Matt Grimmitt said...

They gotta be Tugs for sure. Cup of tea and a ciggy ones or maybe a whole pack of biscuits if you don't smoke! Like them ones alot.

Margaret Brampton said...

Your exhibition looks very inviting. I want to sit down at the table and have a potters supper. Some good beef casserole in those pots and a few bottles of red wine...some pottery buddies to enjoy the meal with..mmmmm

FuturePrimitive Soap Co. said...

Liking the new mugs - picture the pub in the first film of Lord of the Rings and I reckon they'd be right at 'ome - mind.

Ron said...

Those are great Doug. Like the deco. Fancy. That cook pot's fine too, that handle place is nice. Glad to hear you're liking your new footwear.

Gary's third pottery blog said...

it IS a pretty pot, and you have to have good boots for winter...

ang design said...

what is going on with bloggy today everything's different?? anywho have fun day hope car behaves and is a simple fix...sweet mugalugs...

Brad Lail said...

I am really glad to see you using the clay in the back. I think that is some of the best clay I have ever seen that is so easily attainable. I would really like to have one of those mugardsmade of local clay for myself. Maybe we could arrange some trade or something soon. They seem about my size.

Paul Jessop said...

Hey Ang! I noticed everything is different today whats going on ??????
I just took a pic of one of my casseroles this morning and I thought it look nice but now i've seen this cooking pot I feel like a novice.

Anonymous said...

ah the big guys 'll do that to ya.....I'm sure its a great manly pot you made in fact i'll check it out right now... yeah use the available source doug how cool, dig it, throw it, bake it...ang

Ron said...

Hey this is a fancy comment page. What's up? What about Mugards?

jbf said...

Got some new wellies?

Really like the deco on the "drinking vessels" and the handles look sweet too.

Ron said...

I just remembered that some potters I know used to make some smallish tankards and they called them "tankettes" I guess that's how you spell it. Like girl tankards. (no offense anyone)