They're based on sixteenth century ones made at Donyatt in Somerset.

The diagram shows how they work. They must have been very easily entertained in the olden days.

The dog roses are in full bloom in the hedgerow at the moment and inspired this large, ornate, three-spouted puzzle jug - you'll either like it or you'll hate it.

Marky Mark came up this evening and we cracked on with packing the kiln. The back's all in, I'll finish the front tomorrow. There are going to be loads of pots left over so I'll fire again in mid July. It seems like ages since I had any new pots so I can't wait to get these ones through, I'm really pleased with this batch.

These pots are mostly for Earth & Fire and Art in Clay.
A few more small pots to make and blast tomorrow for gap fillers in the kiln, then all set for a long, slow pre-heat on Friday and a big burn-up on Saturday, woooohoo.
D: These are great> I especially like the sprigging on the unslipped one. They look pretty big. Is it hard to get the "straw" to work?
nice sprigging doug man I like, yeh how do you make the handle hollow or is that a trade secret?
That is fab, bloomin lovely jug. Where's the siphon jug though? I don't make puzzle jugs often either but as I sold the last one at the weekend they are back on the list again.
I love the puzzle jug. We sometimes try ours out on unsuspecting visitors. It's surprising what a mess they make. Something of a spectator sport.!! Will you be delivering your pots to John at Imagine? That should be a good exhibition.
Fantastic! I love the dog rose inspired puzzle jug. Am looking forward to seeing everything after the firing.
I'd love to hear the "trade secrets" on the jug too.
Very cool looking.
Hello all
Sorry, only just got round to answering all these. The rim's made hollow by throwing the rim over and doubling it back on itself, it's quite tricky, then the handle's made hollow by pushing a chopstick through a sausage of clay the rolling it on the bench so that it effectively acts as an internal rolling pin. I'll try and get a making sequence on here at some stage if I can get Mark to take some photos. No siphon jug yet Hannah, I'm waiting for you to do yours first. Think I will be delivering Margaret. He was telling me he has your work in a show, so I directed him to the beautiful drawings on your blog - he was quite staggered at their beauty. Cheers Becky, hi Michele d.
Very interesting Mr Fitch, my puzzle jug handles aren't made like that. I put a plat of string in which burns out in the firing.
interesting indeed.
Those puzzle jugs are sweet!! I need to give those a shot. Whats a siphon Jug? Good luck with the kiln firing. I will remember you at three this morning when you are starting there.
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