Thanks Mr Cardew for that deco idea.

All packed, chockablock, including a damp puzzle jug, placed next to Blogger Matt's 25kg candlestick, directly above where the flame first enters the kiln and next to a small vase made just this morning - hey, it all adds to the excitement!
I think it'll be ok, the gas poker's preheating overnight so everything should be nice and dry and hot by the morning. Hoping to start at about eight in the morning. Marky Mark's coming up at about ten and Blogger Matt's coming some time in the afternoon.

Just waiting to watch the Sex Pistols on the telly, live at the Isle of Wight Festival, before going to bed. It gives me a great excuse to put this picture of Luke and Johnny Rotten on here again. I know it's been on before, but hey, it is pretty cool, so here it is again!
Whew, that's a pack and a half! Good luck with the stoking.
Johnny Rotten, what a face.
Good firing!! I'll check back to see the results.
Wish I could be there for the kiln opening! May the Johnny Rotten kiln god be with you! (Didn't catch the photo first go round. Glad you re-posted it.)
That is a cool photo.
Been to see some Shakespeare tonight at the globe - merry wives of Windsor - very well done and, at one point, mistress ford comes out with what looks like one of your watering cans. Don't know where it came from though.
Good luck with the firing.
you kiln packer you..I've never noticed you stack the lids that way is it normal or are they a bit damp?or is it a anti warpage thing? happy firing, looking forward to the lovely glaze firing too..
I can't imagine making that many pots for one firing. It is more than our whole class makes! The puzzle jugs are great! Do they sell well?
I really treasure the love notes i get from England! Thanks.
Cheers all.
It adds an extra dimension to theatre, film etc. when you're looking out for pots too. I remember my Dad has a book somewhere about the life of St Luke. There on the front cover is a bearded and robed St Luke, pouring water from an early twentieth century pitcher made by Brannams of North Devon. There are quite a few repro potters making a good living out of supplying very accurate copies for films etc and re-enactment groups.
Ang, I use a little bit of broken kiln shelf to place the lids on the pots. It allows gasses to escape from inside the jars.
I think the puzzle jugs will sell well, I hope so, I need to make some cash!
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