Thursday 19 June 2008

Oxford Ceramics

I had a visit earlier in the week from Oxford Ceramics, who now have some of my pots for sale. You can see them here


ang design said...

nice one mr fitch my fav's are the jugs

Ron said...

I like seeing the multiple images of each pot.

doug Fitch said...

Hey Ang, what do you make of the espresso mug. Funilly enough there's one here for you! It's a dinky little one I kept back for you from the pots that went to London. That just shows how useless I am, that was ages ago. I know I promised I was going to send it last week- I'm so useless. I'll surprise you some day soon.

ang design said...

hey doug, they're very sweet I was looking at them and thought mmm I could afford one of those..and the postage weird I just typed potsage maybe thats what they should call it. I just love your yummy rich glazes and I'm excited to see it in real life some day, thanks ang

potterboy said...

I'm rather taken by your footed bowls - I've never seen those before. Also rather amused to find you make wood-fired earhenware...