Tuesday 10 January 2012

Today in my shed


Paul Jessop said...

Hi Doug, loving these short videos.
are you around Friday, I might get a chance to pop down for a couple of hours, any jobs you need doing so I can make myself useful.

Tracey Broome said...

Brilliant! Your path to work is so much better than mine, love the video :)

doug Fitch said...

Looking forward to seeing you :)

Anonymous said...

Love the films,I see your roses are still out,there were daffs and snowdrops down on the coast.Your handles are mangnifique.


Joseph Travis said...

It seems so peaceful in the video, so carefree but full of determination

Michael Mahan said...

I can't wait to get my shed up and running in Ireland. We're heading to Limerick this summer for a month or so.

Joe Troncale said...

I feel like I'm there!!!
Great work!
A potter and cenematographer!

Joe Troncale said...

cinematographer, sorry.

doug Fitch said...

Thank you all. My journey to work is beautiful and ever changing. It's my great source of inspiration. It would be great to meet you both again Michael if your over this way at all.Flip video is so easy, just shoot lots of short film bursts, then let the software stitch them together :)

Wain Bros said...

Great video Doug. It's great you can produce such great results in concrete sheds!