Friday 20 January 2012

Wednesday and Thursday

I'm running a bit behind with these videos.

Here's what happened on Wednesday.......

and Thursday.

Happy Friday everybody!


Margaret Brampton said...

Love the pots but the music......

Dennis Allen said...

Wow Doug. Potter, rock star,thespian,and now film maker. What's next astronaut?

klineola said...

How do you and the film crew fit in that tiny shack? Well done. Who needs words?

Tracey Broome said...

Ahhh, the headless potter! haha! Love these videos, very nicely done, and that bowl of stamps for sprigs!!!!

doug Fitch said...

Ha :-D

Aw the music is my favourite band Margaret. Funnily enough I'm not allowed to play them at home.

The film crew are little pixies - there are a lot of them round here

Tracey I make new sprigs every firing, so I have lads of them, some are goo and some are rubbish, but I can't throw them away

Dixie Nichols said...

I thought you dug your own clay SUSPICIOUS footage!