Monday 9 January 2012


Happy Monday everybody.

I've been catching up with decorating the little jugs that I made this time last week....

and also some small tapered jugs that I made on, I think, Wednesday.

I'm a reluctant decorator, so they've been tightly wrapped under polythene since last week, until I could leave them no longer and had to get on with them before they dried out too much.

These were made from 1.5lbs of clay and are about 6" tall at a guess.

This morning I delivered my car to the local garage, about a mile and a half along the lane from the workshop. It needed an MOT test. The walk to the workshop was inspirational, I love living in the countryside. There's a sense of the season moving along now, with the flora enjoying the mildness of this year's winter. I shot a short film of today's exploits, I'll post it on here later once it's uploaded. Oh, the car passed by the way, which is pretty good, as it only cost me £100 a few months ago.

The next couple of weeks are going to be hectic. I'm taking part in the village pantomime again, which opens a week on Friday, so most evenings will be rehearsals. I still haven't learned my lines, so I'll be practicing tomorrow in the workshop - I hope I don't alarm too many passers-by!

Ah, here's the video it's just uploaded.


cookingwithgas said...

dreamy! i want that life!
Oh- then again i think i have that life.
Cheers and i hope you do Red Hair!

Lorraine said...

Love your pottery and blog. Thanks for the inspiration and instruction...I can never get enough of either.

doug Fitch said...

I'd love to come and see your version again some time Meredith :)

Thank you Lorraine, good to meet you :)