Thursday 5 January 2012



cookingwithgas said...

this is a good way to start a year!

Anna M. Branner said...


Joe Troncale said...

Well done! There will be some happy milk and juice out there in a few months!

Quietly Otaku said...

They look lovely, happy new year! Hope you have a fabulous 2012

Hollis Engley said...

Looks like you've handled before, Doug.

Linda Fahey said...

I really like handle shots, they make me happy and motivated! for some reason it reminds me of shoes - which make me happy and motivated too....I am a girl ,after all.

HNY! I really enjoy your blog and look forward to more tales and pictures of beautiful work.

Ron said...

Looking good. Very productive start there. Liked the film in the earlier post. Hope that rain lets up a bit. Catch ya soon.

doug Fitch said...

Ha, thank you all :) I like handle shots too - you may have guessed that by now