Saturday 21 January 2012


Just in from the pub after the opening night of the panto, which went really well. Same again tomorrow night.

Here's a video of some stuff that happened today, which I'm pleased to say does not include any footage of this evening's performance, with my solo rendition of this

It does however show Different Dave wiring in my new lights in the 'showroom' - now I can sell pots after dark. It also shows my friend Heather decorating a wassail pot that she's made during the last week.

Bedtime for me now. Happy weekends everybody.


Dan Finnegan said...

Does that wiring meet health and safety standards?!

ang design said...

lovely day :))

Hollis Engley said...

Is there a lot of after dark business in your village?

Lorraine said...

Are your videos higher definition than before or is it just me? Either way, enjoying them immensely. Seems almost like spring time in your neck of the world. Not a normal winter for us either.

doug Fitch said...

Ha :-)There's not much Hollis, but it's completely dark at nigh time up there, so at least now I'll be able to find my car, which is often a problem

The light switches are off when they should be on and on when they should be off, but it makes it's good to challenge convention to make life more interesting.

Lorraine I have one of those little Flip cameras which is indeed HD - they're so simple to use because they're just basic

Hollis Engley said...

OK, now I've actually looked at the video. It looks lovely with that new light. And finding the car is a good thing. Don't want you wandering all over those dangerous sheep fields.

Felicity said...

Oh Pleeeese can we hear the solo rendition?

Joe Troncale said...

I won't say that I can't smile without you, but I'm smiling at the post! Good luck with the lighting!

doug Fitch said...

Ha ha. The hardest bit is singing the line of the song that goes 'I can't sing' and knowing full well that everybody in the room is thinking 'you're not wrong there mate!'

Probably best not shared with the world Felicity :-)