Sunday 17 January 2010

Clever Heather

A while ago, my friend Filthy Phil asked whether I might be able to make a commemorative trophy for the village cricket club. The trophy is a memorial to a former player who tragically passed away, while still a young man.

Of course, I gladly made the pot, which I then passed on to Phil's wife Heather, to decorate - Heather is an extremely talented artist.

This evening, Hil, Heather and I popped up to the workshop and took the finished piece out of my small electric kiln. It had worked a treat.

Heather's going to get a local wood tuner to turn a trophy style plinth to stand it on.

The Andrew Pottle Memorial Cup.

I hope it is enjoyed by Andrew Pottle's family and friends and that it will see many seasons pass at Cheriton Fitzpaine Cricket Club.

As I mentioned at the start of this post, Heather is a very talented artist. This is a painting she did of her dog, Poppy.

Here's Filthy Phil himself, back in his hairier days.

Heather includes a lot of my pots in her still life paintings

I recommend you click the link to see Heather Cutler's site with lots more of her lovely work.


Ron said...

I remember you mentioning Heather's work her before, and I believe you have a painting of her's in your house right? I do like her work. Very nice memorial cup, you both did a proper job. Well done.

Charles said...

A big thank you to Doug and Heather for producing such a fantastic piece for us. The trophy is our "Player of the Year" award, a lasting tribute to a school mate and the talent of two local artists

doug Fitch said...

Charle, it's a pleasure. It's an honour to be asked to make something as important as that, I hope it lasts a long, long time, very best wishes