Something I love about Picasso's ceramics and medieval pottery is that they share so many characteristics. Both inspired this cider mug. It's odd, but a bit of fun. It should take the slip well.
More applied deco on the jugs I made last week.
Everything's taking so long to dry. I've not had the burner lit today, instead opting for lots of clothes - I quite like it, the workshop can be a bit humid when the burner's on. But unfortunately I got soaked on the walk this morning and drenched again when I took Digger out at lunchtime, so a hot bath was welcome this evening.
Here's the start of the new shed. It doesn't look much at the moment, but when it's done it'll hold my clay processing area.
So tired, apologies for the disjointed post.
Happy Wednesday.
Love the deco!
pablo fitch!!
I'm tired too, it's none stop at the moment.
great pots, great start on the new shed
Yesterday I came across some linocuts of Picasso's on google. I was looking for some ideas for Wes, she is into linocuts right now. They were really great, good idea for mug decoration.
never fails, whenever i read your blog i desire nothing more than to return to the wheel, your work is really good...
I love those jugs Doug, but youv'e heard me say that before.
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