Sorry, what a moaner.
Mark and I have made a lot of pots this week. It's been mostly big stuff, show pots for the exhibition at the Imagine Gallery, Harvest Jugs for Bideford and everything else for Art in Clay. Tomorrow will probably be the last full making day. I'm doing homework tonight, modelling the chickens onto moneyboxes.
Tom, the student from Bristol comes tomorrow although we're still without a car so I've got to try and work out some way of getting him from the station. I think taxi is looking the most likely option at present. I've hired a van for Friday so that we can go and collect various things from various places, including the hardwood from my suppliers in Tiverton. They promised to keep some in the dry for me, I'm so pleased I rang them earlier in the week to organise that.
I think a Sunday firing is out of the question now, the kiln shed's full of mud, the wood shed's leaked, so it's looking like it'll be Tuesday now. That'll cut it fine for the glaze firing, but it's all achievable.
OK, I'll stop moaning now and get back to my moneybox modelling........

More decorating

More blasting
Doug, when is the Bideford firing?
Hi Ron
Around about Sept 4th - do reckon you'll get a pot made?
Good. I was worried that it was sooner. I had forgotten that you had mentioned it to me a while back in an email. I'll get a bisqued pot sent over to you. (after I get one made)
Doug, gave you a petite and silly award at my blog, congratulations! You're a winner!
I love that tall pitcher.
michele d.
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