Sunday 6 July 2008


We took a walk to our local strawberry farm today. It's been a busy time for them, they supply a lot of their juicy red fruits to Wimbledon. Here's my younger boy Joe in mid pick, nothing to do with pottery, but I liked the picture.

Marky Mark's taken the week off work so will be helping me in the workshop for the next few days. He's going to knead up my clay so that I can get the last of my bigger pots made tomorrow. It may be a little hopeful to think they'll be ready in time, bearing in mind that they'll need to be in the full flame of the kiln this time next week, oh well, I can but try.

I've a student, Tom, coming later in the week so there'll be plenty of hands on deck when it comes to packing and firing.

Have a good week everybody.


Paul Jessop said...

And there was I expecting to find a musical link.

Becky said...

What a wonderful picture! Makes me want to grab a bucket and find the nearest berry patch.

They had ample time to consume a lot of strawbs at Wimbledon didn't they? What a match!

Great luck this week!

gary rith said...

well yes, you have a good week too

Hannah said...

Lovely pic by the way. He'll love it in ten years tiime when you insist on showing it o his girlfriends, the girlfriends really will love it though. Very sweet indeed.