Sorry it's taken so long to put these on, it's been a crazy day, trying to get the workshop sorted out and pots selected and priced for Art in Clay

The firing was ok although I did have a number of disappointing losses, damp wood and a bit too much reduction being the cause I think. I had a good chat on the phone this afternoon with Clive(Bowen) and he reached the same conclusion after I described the symptoms.

In spite of the losses, there are some really pleasing pieces, I'll take some photos tomorrow, these are the only ones I took today. Getting this firing through was always going to be a challenge, so by and large I'm pleased. A bit gutted that I lost two Harvest Jugs and some other stuff that was for an order - oh well, make some more tomorrow in my lovely organised, cleaned up workshop.
Doug: Beautiful as always, congrats! Look forward to adding these images to my computer. Would you mind if I used them in my "slide talk"?
Thanks, I went through all that emotional stuff you talked about the other day when opening a new kiln load of pots. I'm really pleased with some of these pots now though, particularly as I've started to muddle them in with some from previous firings. I'm still getting too many losses through stupid mistakes and poor organization, I need to get a bit smarter. Use any photos you like. I've got a photographer friend coming tomorrow. He came today but I was too despondant, looking at my bubbly ones, so he went away again! His skills and equipment are much better than mine so I'll have some decent shots in the next week or so that'll show my crazing up in much better detail! I hope the world treats you well.
I'm sorry for your losses, but I really like what I've seen so far and am anxious to see more from your firing. You make wonderful things, don't beat yourself up so much.
Hey Doug. Good to see the pots. They look great. You'll have a good show at Hatfield for sure. Look forward to seeing the pics by the photographer. Glad you talked to Clive.
Sorry about the jugs.
Can't wait to see more photos, Doug. What I can see in the shots you've posted here indicates some really wonderful work. And I'm sure your upcoming show will be successful.
(How are the kittens doing by the way? )
aftnoon doug, just dropping in on a very crazy day, what lovely pots you've made, I'm still drawn immediately to your yummy green, that's a copper ox slip with the bisilicate glaze?? my names on the yummy tankard not that I drink the brown stuff though could turn it into a milo mug!
hey up Doug, what's on the shelves looks good from here. shame about the others though. looking forward to seeing the pics.
take care,
Doug: You have some beautiful looking pots. Sorry that some didn't make it. There always seems to be something with wood firing... if it was easy you wouldn't do it. Don't be to hard on yourself.
dang, looks GOOD to me!
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