On Friday I hired a van and Mark, Tom and I spent the day collecting and stacking wood. Also got rid of a lot of junk to the tip. We've got lots of wood now - in the old woodshed of course, any building plans new sheds went out of the window this week as we were frantically making pots. As it turns out, the weather would have prevented any outside work anyway.

So today's firing was postponed until Tuesday. Everything's still pretty damp, in fact I was still handling and slipping mugs this afternoon that have since been packed in the kiln. As ever, Mark did a great job, helping set the kiln stack, well done M.M.

Anyway, all is packed, with a fan blowing air through the firebox to aid drying and it's set for firing on Tuesday. I've got to go to a local primary school tomorrow afternoon to do a demo, but I'll put the gas burner in on a gentle heat in the morning to start the slow, steady pre-heat.
It's been a mad few days, a mad few to come too.
Tom's been making some great pots. He's off to Ireland to study ceramics in September - he's going to be a very good potter, it's clear to see already.
Have a good week everybody, going to take a spin round the blogs now and see what's been going on elsewhere in the world..............
Oh my Doug, you have been a busy boy. Reminds me that I need to hook-up the trailer and run for wood. Dry those beauties out!
Well I certainly haven't been as busy as you all have over the weekend. Looks like a good stack. Best of luck with the bisque and then the glazing spree coming up.
My friend Fredia, from here, is going to be coming to Hatfield. I'm going to try and send a few things along with her for you. (I wish I could fit in a suitcase, I'd come along with her)
Take care,
Yes, it's been a mad time, lots of early starts, full days and very late nights. Hopefully everything'll be ok, some of it was really damp. Ron, I look forward to meeting Fredia. Why don't you apply for Hatfield next year?
Off to (a quite posh)school now to brave a class of ten year olds. Tom and I look like a pair of vaigrants, the parents will come running when they see us turn up carrying a bottle of propane!
Hey Ron, I'm up to your trick, that wasn't Tom it was me
Wonderful kiln --can't wait to see the finished product.
Good to see Tom's eyeballs did, in fact arrive the next day.
You must be working so hard. I'm hoping to call in at Hatfield on our up to Uttoxeter to camp. Looking forward to seeing your pots.
My fingers would be crossed all the time for your pieces being dried out OK if I didn't have to make pots myself, good luck!
dang, you are doing the absolute coolest things! If I ever have a few bucks to travel (hahahaha! a potter with a few extra bucks??????) I am flying to Britain and stopping at your place first
Well my place is small but we try to give a warm welcome
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