Friday 4 May 2012


Good morning Jug production continued yesterday, with a number of 2lb and 5lb fat jugs. These ones are based on old English medieval shapes, wide bottomed and low bellied. They'll look a lot more sensible once they have handles. Oh and some ridiculously large, wobbly tankards for the keenest of beer drinkers. On a Thursday and Friday morning I take some little kiddywinks to school for friends of mine. I love it, it's a long time since my boys were that age. I'd better go now and get them a drink before school time. Have a good Friday everybody.


Hollis Engley said...

Youre not getting them a wobbly tankard of beer, are you???

gz said...

to paraphrase.."lovely juggley" !!

Reminds me of watching Adrian Childs throwing jugs in Ffestniog Pottery many years ago.

Taking other peoples' children to school can be great fun and educational both ways...and good for them to have conversation with an adult who is neither family or school, but friend. For some children being allowed a point of view and not just being told is a novelty!

ang design said...

lookin good fitchy!!

Joe Troncale said...

Great jugs as always.
"kiddywinks" cracked me up! (not an American term...I have to tell my wife to start referring to our grandchildren that way!)

Dixie Nichols said...

In life there are those that jump over puddles and those that go round them. The jumpers are best

doug Fitch said...

Ha ha, thank you all :-)