Thursday 21 August 2008

Coooooooooook Boooooooooooooooook

I bought this recipe book while we were in Cheddar yesterday, featuring recipe's from Blogger Paul's neck of the woods.

It's a pressie for Nic because there's one of his fine jugs(pitchers!) on the cover. The pot in the middle's one of Johnny Leach's, I don't know who made the bottle(jug)on the right.


Jen Mecca said...

Thanks Doug for you nice comment on my blog. It is still so cool to me that these blogs reach all around the world! mother-in-law is from England!

Anonymous said...

Just sent an email attachment of a couple who could probably point you in the right direction regarding the maker of the jar on the book cover.

Paul Jessop said...

"That be one of them there Cider Jars."
( has to be said in a Somerset accent to make any sense)