Saturday 8 February 2014

Jugging again

Hello big wide World

We're back in our Devon workshop, making pots under stormy skies. The weather's been really wild here, winds so strong that a section of workshop roof took off a few nights ago and flew off down the track. There's another crazy storm coming in as I write, so hopefully the rest of the roof will stay on.

Poor Hannah's been really under the weather, with a nasty lurgy, so she's been tucked up in bed, trying to sleep it off. Thankfully she's on the mend now, but I've a feeling I may have caught it from her.

I told myself that I was going to make no jugs for a while and that I was going to concentrate on making bowls. Unfortunately Alex showed a slide of a beautiful medieval jug during his talk last weekend and it's been stuck in my head, so I had to get on the wheel and make my own version.

So the rest of my time has been spent finishing them.

Yesterday Hannah was much better, so we got some proper time together, walking in the countryside before the next storm came in, then working until the early hours in a toasty workshop.

More potting fun to come today, after a trip to in to the big city to pick up Hannah's pots from the photographer's. I'll post some pictures of her special tenth anniversary pots later.

The wind's getting up, but the sun's shining, I think I'll pop out for a minute and look for a rainbow.

Happy Saturday everybody


Gary's third pottery blog said...

great pots all, and in the last shot, such large, fat cookie jars!

doug Fitch said...

thanks Gary :)