Friday 14 February 2014

A Potter's Love Poem

A Potter's Love Poem

Our wholeness, our consciousness 
Proclaimed within a brown clay jug 
Our Earth, our clay, our harmony 
As integral as marl and grog 
Our slip, our glaze, our synthesis 
Layered, shining bright and bold 
Our kiln, our fire, our burning light 
Our tale of Love set in stone 

I Love You Hannah


Annied01 said...

♥ may your friendship and love continue to blossom and grow through all the days of your lives... Happy Valentine's day to the both of you, thank you for sharing your story with us in the virtual world... :)

Tracey Broome said...

Lucky girl!

Sandy Miller said...

If you had a puppy you could melt my computer screen :) !!

Susan Sharpe said...

Oh lovely

Dennis Allen said...

Now you're going to have to keep the jug.

doug Fitch said...

Hee hee, thank you all :)

gz said...

All the best to the pair of you for now and the future
xx gz & The Pirate

Betsy C said...

Sweet! Many blessings to you both!