Tuesday 10 September 2013


Thank you Anonymous for your sweet words earlier in the week, reading that put a big smile on my face. Thank you everybody who comes to this blog, I have always appreciated the love and support shared by friends in the virtual world and it's good to be back in this forum. I just needed a little break while I got myself back on my feet.

Here are a couple of short films from this week. I worked late in to the early hours last night, so I feel a bit slow this morning, but I need to get moving or all my efforts will have been pointless. As you'll see Bernard has been keeping me company. He's my new little pet, but he's also a business employee, driving away any rodents who might care to visit.

I'm still glazing the last of my pots for the Food Festival at the weekend. I'm looking forward to that, (not the glazing, I hate glazing), but the food festival, because I get to see all my pottery buddies.

I have pots in a group exhibition in the Red Earth Gallery in Bickleigh. It opened on Friday, but as ever, I was knocked out with a bad head when I should have been at the private view. I always get myself so worked up about these things. I'm going to get along in the next few days to take a look, I saw some beautiful prints when I went to deliver the pots.

Anyway, I need to go and do some work, so I'll post this now and return later. Happy Tuesday everybody.


Anonymous said...

It's easy to get wacked out about openings. My goal is to get to the point where it's just another part of my day, like doing the dishes or talking to someone at work. Somewhere in there it's about being present in the moment - still working on that! Good luck to you. Your work is excellent.

Anonymous said...

I suffer from migraines, too, have you ever tried the drug Sumatriptan? If you don't have access to that, here is my other secret: the second you feel the slightest head pain coming on, it is the brain starting to swell, you take a muscle relaxer and a blood thinner right away. I start with 2 Asprins and 2 Ibuprofen (400mg), then repeat in 2 hours. But you have to catch it the second you feel just a tingle that your brain is starting to swell. :) If you can catch it in time, it really works.

Suan said...


I use something called Maxalt I get them from the GP.

The sooner you take it the better, I take one as soon as I feel a migraine coming on.

The GP gave them to me after I'd had a migraine for about 5 days.

They really help, and a dark room and sleep the clock round in my case.

Unknown said...

Lovely to see you have a feline friend our boy is black too they have a lovey temperament. Your pots are looking good I look from time to time at your blog nice to see a few updates, imagine there are not enough hours in the day for your work let alone doing a blog. Tony and I send our best

doug Fitch said...

Thank you all, I use a pill called Naramig which I get on prescription. It works well if I get it down in time, although I feel quite out of it, but at least it takes the pain away. Sleep is the cure. Hello Denise, yes, my Bernard is a sweet little chap. Best wishes to Tony, Up the City!!! :)