Friday 27 September 2013


Some days things just don't go right. Folks often say how therapeutic this job must be - far from it, it can drive me to despair some days and today was one such day. Making pots demands absolute focus and I find myself lost in an almost meditative place when I'm throwing. But when I have troubles on my mind, it's difficult to reach that level of intense concentration. My confidence falters and it's as if I've decided before the clay even hits the wheelhead, that the pot's going to fail. Negativity is a very destructive emotion and it's self perpetuating.

So after much frustration, a very satisfying swear at a cold caller, who was bugging me for the second time today, then a rant at poor Frank, who put me back on the right path, it was clean the workshop time. Time to unclutter my space and unclutter my mind.

Tomorrow will be better, it needs to be, it will be, it absolutely has to be.


Anna M. Branner said...


ShellHawk said...

OMG! You're---HUMAN?!

Say it isn't so! ;)

Everyone has a day like that from time to time. But then, the day passes, and another begins, and we're champing at the bit with a new idea, a new technique we're just dying to try, and the mood is gone.

And we're makers, again.

Tomorrow is another day! Now get to making something fun! :D

cookingwithgas said...

It's work, but don't tell most people think we are having fun.
The fun is when the job us done...

Jon Cullum said...

Good on you - glad it's coming back, and you are feeling better about it.

klineola said...

happens to me often. pots will rise like the sun tomorrow!

jim behan said...

Sorry. Couldn't help having a chuckle. Nothing like a good old clean-up to shed the angst. Onwards and upwards :-)

Dennis Allen said...

Hard times come and hard times go.Don't go near the rabbit hole and it will turn around.

June Perry said...

Know that one well. Still haven't been able to figure out the difference between the days when the pots just flow and days where everything seems to be attacked by unseen gremlins. But, tomorrow is another and I'll bet, a better day.

Michael Mahan said...

Yesterday was one of those days for me. I had spent the week making and decorating slipped pots, only to find out yesterday that most of the slip is now flaking off.

doug Fitch said...

Thanks all, feeling much better today and enjoying a cup of tea from a Michael Mahan mug :)

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