A really brief post this as I need to go to bed, but I wanted to check in first. Life's really hectic t the moment, with work, the band and two evenings a week taken up with rehearsals for the pantomime which opens in a couple of weeks.
Marky Mark came by and we worked into the evening. It was great to see him, he's been away in Mexico for a few weeks. It was good to reinstate our regular Wednesday evening session.
That's all for now, beddybyes time for me
got my wareboard posts up :))
way to show us all up!
I can't seem to get shoes on in the morning much less get near my wheel!
Better change that soon or I will be in the unemployment line.
I thought pantos was a christmas thing?!
Hi Doug, lovely to see all those mugs lining up! If you are thinking of coming to the WPA social lunch on 30th Jan, please let me know by next Wednesday :-D
Still waiting for the kiln for my new studio, can't be that much longer now (spot the famous last words?!)
Oh No it isn't Dan!
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