Here's a picture of my friend Clarkey in his recording studio on Sunday, adding a whistle track to a composition for the film. I don't know what'll be used yet, some of it even had bagpipes on.

In spite of my lack of clay pictures, I have been making pots, but forgot to take any photos so I'll do that tomorrow. Instead, here's Hil puttying my windows - she's a dab hand with a putty knife is my Hilary.

Different Dave came by today and took out the old 'window', which was a piece of perspex screwed to the wall.....

.....and replaced it with this window that I bought from the local recycling centre for a fiver - bargain! Not only does it look a lot better, but's made a huge difference to the light in the workshop.

It'll be great to have a window that opens and I get a much better view across the field to the woodland opposite.
The workshop's been such chaos while all this stuff's been going on. I want to try and get it a bit more sorted before Ron from the States and Ang from Australia come in a few weeks time.
wow that looks great so nice to have light in your workspace, you've done a fantastic job what a team!! see ya soon..
It must be nice to have that much more light to work in. Good windows make a big difference.
Looking Good Mr Fitch.
Looking Good.
Am I the only one to notice the arty though the dirty window cleavage shot?? Says a lot about me I suppose...
Hello Doug, We couldn't find how to send you a message so we've had to put the link to our blog (for you to add to your links) as a comment (not trying to fish for new readers or 'owt!) Our blog is at; www.emlettartscrafts.blogspot.com
Sorry it's taken us so long to get round to it! Let us know how you want us to describe your blog on our blog (oh, er, this could get confusing) and we'll post the link to your blog on ours! No rush, whenever you get round to it, or, I should say: whenever your lad gets round to it!
Best wishes for now,
Sarah & Ben.
Evening all. The light's soo much better - it used to be really dark in there.
Dave you're a bad man - but I noticed too, hence the shot! Will have some kittens for you in a few weeks if you'd like them?
Hi S&B, yes, will get my boy on the case when we get back from hols. See you soon
Waaw that looks great so nice to have light in your workspace..
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