Sgrafitto puzzle jugs - these things take for ever, none of them is finished yet.
I used old mottoes taken from antique jugs. The one on the right bears the following rhyme that I particularly like, taken from an old Halifax jug:
From Mother Earth
I claim my birth
I'm made a joke for man
But now I'm here filled with good cheer
Come taste me if you can.

Different Dave came by yesterday and knocked the wall down that was separating the kiln shed, from the new extension.

The weather's been disgusting and the floor is slime in the new bit - next job will be to cover it with concrete, but that'll have to wait a while, pots to make, holidays to take.
Earlier in the week I received the first rough cut of the film that Alex McErlain has been making at my place. It's good to get an idea of what it's going to be like, although it's horrible hearing my voice on there - makes me cringe. On Sunday I'm going to be recording some background music that will be added to some of the film sequences.
That's all for now - not a very good week of blogging, it's been a busy one with friends from up-country staying just up the road, so we've been spending some good times with them during the evenings, in fact we're off to see them in a mo as they're cooking for us tonight, yummy.
Good weekends all.
Those are great. Love those birds...I may steal that image. Ha. No really I might.
Love the puzzles, any chance of putting one aside? That will stunning for Jon's birthday.
May get down your neck of the woods soon[ish]
Jon Jo and all
Lovely jugs, Doug. And that's a good-looking - if slightly dirty - crew peeking out from around the post.
oh mr fitch what a mess...all that mud will i need wellies??
Love the rhyme...and love the puzzle jugs!
Lovely jugs, good luck with the construction.
Beautiful work Mr Fitch. Those jugs are just the business.
Good to see the workshop cominig along se ya soon.
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