Saturday 20 February 2010

Vote for me!

Please vote for my blog at this website and try and win me an eggcup! Many thanks

Dorset Cereals little awards

Cheers Paul for sending it to me.


Tracey Broome said...

Done! You had 43 votes when I clicked in

Alexandra said...

Did yesterday, but couldn't comment, don't know why. Hopefully it will work this time :)

Anonymous said...

You could win this! You were 30 or so behind 'nip it in the bud' when I voted at lunchtime, but you are only 7 behind now.... (you have 70 votes). Will you be putting your cup on your stall at Rufford if you win?

Kittens say Hello...


doug Fitch said...

Thank you my lovelies :-) xxx

doug Fitch said...

Oh yes Dave, it'll have a special little plinth of its own!