Monday 10 March 2014

Monday waffle

Hello all
I'm away from the workshop for a few days at my parents' place. I'll probably be heading back to Devon tomorrow afternoon.

Fortunately I haven't got a very full calendar of events this year, which allows me to fit in these visits to see my folks. In some ways I should be worried not to be booked up, last year I pretty much knew my calendar a year in advance, but to be honest it's a relief.

Apart from anything else, it's wonderful to be able to take time develop my work, I just have to hope that I can sell it somewhere! I'm carrying on in the(possibly misguided!)belief that if I can make pots that are good enough, that somebody will want them.

Potting feels so much more enjoyable at the moment and I'm sure it must be visible in my work. Last year was crazy in so many ways, my personal life was a mess, I had to chase around the world and I only survived with the incredible support of good friends. I feel like I'm well and truly back on my feet again now and able to move forwards with strength and confidence.

Spring is coming and I've got through the winter, relatively unscathed! Of course my sweet girlfriend across the Border has a lot to do with it. She provides a constant source of inspiration and emotional support and makes me very, very, very happy.

One of my amazing friends is Andrew 'Frank' Grundon, artist, illustrator, poet, jug scratcher and signwriter extrordinaire. It was he that scratched the design on the beautiful Diamond Jubilee Jug. He has painted this fantastic sign for a pub in Somerset.

It's based on a photograph our photographer friend Claire took of us outside my workshop. It's brilliant, I hope to go and help him fit it and maybe sit beneath it to drink a pint of Westcountry cyder!

Here are three little films below that I made last week before I came to my folks'. One is a rambling talkie, the other two, just the standard quickies.

Back soon when I return to deepest Devon


Dennis Allen said...

Oh Dougie, I think we all noticed that you had a much better year on the happiness meter and were very glad to see it. There is nothing good at the bottom of that hole you were digging. Glad you started climbing instead.

Anna M. Branner said...

I agree with Dennis. I am so glad your year is looking so very much better. And all those pots you are making now that make you feel so good? There is a perfect place just waiting for will see it eventually. :) Hope all is ok at your folks...I have a little of that going on myself so I have been thinking of you.

Sheri Bare said...

It was lovely to hear you speak as you worked. As a new potter, it is a treasure to watch and listen to you speak about your craft. I so enjoy your videos and look forward to them at the end of each day. Best wishes!

Paul Jessop said...

OH Where's the Pub in Somerset, I'm sure you will need a photographer there to catch the moment?
If not will I do if i bring my small camera and Mrs Lewis of course!

gz said...

Lovely jugs..I love jugs of all sizes!

Good to see you both doing well and happy
xx gz & the Pirate