Saturday 15 March 2014

Friday blog

Good morning

It was a late night again last night, but at the moment I'm enjoying making pots so much that long hours are good fun and really not a chore.  I could have happily worked all night.

I'm counting down the days until Monday, when Hannah is coming to stay for a few days, I can't wait to see her. After that, we'll head back up to Scotland, via Nic's exhibition at the Goldmark Gallery. I love Hannah and I love sharing my life with her, every pot I make, I make for her - she's turned me soft in my old age!

Here's another talkie from yesterday. The sun is shining again and I'm off to work on some lidded jars.

Happy Saturday everybody

1 comment:

Carolyn F said...

Thanks for sharing your work day Doug. As a struggling potter myself, I really enjoy seeing your workflow, the beautiful surroundings of your studio, and your connection to the great tradition of potters who have gone before us.
Warm best wishes to you!