Monday 24 September 2012

Sunday waffle

Marky Mark couldn't make it after all, so I took myself off to work on my own this afternoon. The weather was vile and the air was damp and cold, I really didn't want to be there long, so I didn't bother lighting the burner and just kept busy to stay warm.

I thought a lot about Luke while I was there. It's going to take a while to get used to him being away - Sunday dinner felt very strange tonight with just the three of us at the table.

When we left him yesterday, I had one of those moments that I know will stay with me forever. We said our goodbyes in the communal kitchen of his new home. Just before the door sprung closed, his eyes turned away from us and he smiled his sweet smile as he introduced himself to his new house mates, then, with that, the door clicked shut. It felt like the door had just closed on his childhood, we left him standing on his own feet, an independent young man.

It's been tough seeing him go and I feel sad for us, but so, so happy for him. He's worked hard to get there and this is the start of a really exciting stage of his life - and a new one for us too.

So there we go, I just need to get used to it, which I will of course.

Back to the pots.

The dishes that I made on Friday were ready for turning and decorating today and encouraged by the results of the pressed dishes that came out of the kiln on Friday, I did the best that I could with my squirty style of slip trailing.

I'll probably not make many pots now for a few days as I'm going to have a big tidy up ready for the visit of the Japanese on Saturday. I'm looking forward to a really good sort out.

Here's a little film of dish making and slip trailed chickens.

And today's sloppy slipping

Good night all


Anonymous said...

Yes,big change is a wrench,it keeps on coming,marriage,children,moving,things that when your young happen to older people,before you know it your older people.When Susan was pregnant we had our last weekend away camping we watched the swallows fly away from a wire,but they came back the next year.
Take care Tim

Paul Jessop said...

very nicely described Doug, what's nice Doug is that you guys have done your job in getting him to where he is now, and he is such a nice Kid - young man now. because of you & Hil
you should have a beer and raise a glass to yourselves. Paul Jessop

doug Fitch said...

Bless you both - I'm finding it a bit more of a shock than I was expecting.

Anonymous said...

I think it's hardest to have the first one go, my youngest just left 3 weeks ago and it's a different sort of pain/joy this time around -but still affecting. It's sort of redefining. Who am I, now? or Who will I be next? It's a role change, really -how you think about yourself changes as your children begin to move on. It's hard not to be wistful when they first leave. At first, it's almost as if a limb were literally cut off of your body - and yet you still feel where it belongs.

Susan said...

It's a little bereavement, and we are feeling it here too. Not had chance to hit the clay yet since our daughter has been away, will do tomorrow. I think work will help.

It will pass, and it will be easier, and then they will come home, and it will be strange again.

Quietly Otaku said...

Hope your feeling ok, as a daughter who went away to university I can say it feels strange saying goodbye to your parents but you get used to it! Its not like they're gone forever.

Adam Field said...

Hi Doug, I was really touched by this post. I was really struck by the closeness of your relationship with your sons while I was there and I can imagine how tough it must be to not have him around all the time.

I was reminded of you and your family last week when I pulled a pair of socks out of the drawer and saw a blood red spot on the toe. Luke's paint :D

Also, had Ron act as my assistant for a few minutes last week while teaching a workshop in his neck of the woods, we all went out for dinner afterwords, good times!

sewa mobil jakarta said...

Very nice, thanks for sharing.