Sunday 29 March 2015

Wet slip

Well it's been a tough few weeks. We seem to be dogged by bad luck at the moment.

First of all Hannah was poorly, then the glaze started flaking off the rims of pots and Hannah lost several weeks worth of work, then the kiln in Scotland broke down, then the kiln in Devon malfunctioned and we lost a £600 order, meanwhile, the glaze problem continues.

But, all we can do is keep on making and be thankful that we have each other. And I really am very thankful, when things are tough it would be so easy to just give up, but we look after each other and giving up just isn't an option that we would consider.

 I remade the lost order, a batch of loving cup style, one pint tankards. Hannah has subsequently decorated them with sgrafitto text.
This large baluster will have a white slip and fingerwipe decoration tomorrow.
 A freshly slipped 7lb jug
with a simple, single sprig

This is green slip. I really like the green ones, I could be tempted to slip everything green.
This big jug had such a lovely texture that I just dipped the neck, like the old traditional North Devon jugs. I will leave it with a naked clay body, to be flashed and toasted by the flame of the wood kiln.

Time for sleep and with the clocks changing tonight, there's going to be an hour less of it! Goodnight all


Clarke Green said...

Sorry to hear about the tough times, had some here too!
Your work is beautiful and inspiring. I look forward to your blog posts, and seeing your work.
Sharing the tough times, and knowing it isn't just you is comforting.

gz said...

glaze problems really do try us...and often it isn't the potter's fault.
All the best-hang on in there!

ang design said...

uhhhhg I hear ya bruther, hope yu get all the kilnage sorted and the shivering prob. some weeks suck but onward!!! keep life simple yu 2 xx

doug Fitch said...

Thanks all, hopefully we'll get sorted out soon and thanks Clarke for your kind words. I've been pretty bad at blogging, but just got back in to it again :)