Thursday 3 July 2014

Stuff, Pottery Stuff

Thank you all, it's good to know you're still there. Thank you to everybody that came to Rufford and bought our pots. I really enjoy Rufford, it's always great to catch up with potteryheads and to meet some new ones too.

This is what our stands looked like.

For me it felt like I'd found my feet again. This time last year, everything in my life was in turmoil and I'm sure that must have been evident in my work. This year I've taken a lot less on, as I completely burned out last year with all that was happening in my life and a heavy schedule to sustain in some pretty adverse circumstances. It's a gamble taking less on, because I run the risk of not having many places to sell my work, but it just seemed sensible when application time for shows came around, to take a step back and re-evaluate what I'm doing - my work needed it. So far I've survived and the next couple of months are about to become busy.

On 13th and 14th September, we will be selling a new range of domesticwares at the Wardlow Mires Pottery & Food Festival in Derbyshire. This is the only show of its kind that I'm aware of in the UK, where the only pottery for sale is functional wares.

On September 26th/27th, Hannah and I will be delivering a masterclass weekend at Kigbeare. There are still a few spaces left, so if you'd like to learn a bit more about what we do and how we do it, here's an opportunity.

There are one or two other things in the pipeline that I'll tell you about nearer the time. Hannah and I will be working long hours to fill wood kilns for these events. I hope you'll follow our progress via our youtube channel where we'll be adding little videos of the pots being made and fired.

Today we're about to jump in the van and drive to Hatfield House, to this year's >Art in Clay, where Hannah has a stand and I shall be her tea boy.

Here's today's little film of stuff we've been up to during the last few days in Devon. Happy weekends all, if you're at the Hatfield show, please come and say hello.


Madame Mouton said...

I enjoyed the film a lot:)
Like the way you make those dishes and love the decoration on the big jug!

Mr. Young said...

Another great video! I learn so much from you two!