I managed to forget my camera, so I've cheekily pinched these images from my friend Jon's Facebook. My chum 'Frank' came with me. We've been doing a number of collaborative pieces in recent months, his beautiful illustrations on my pots. We took a couple of them with us which created quite a bit of interest and they both sold within the first couple of hours. I'm looking forward to doing more work with him.

Since I got home, life has continued to be hectic. On Monday I had a visit from the editor, and photographer of a very classy Japanese lifestyle magazine called Kateigaho, along with Koichiro Isaka, who owns the Gallery St Ives, in Tokyo. Koichiro is writing an article and a book about British potters in which I am to feature. We had a great day in the sunshine, taking photographs in and around the pottery and in the surrounding countryside. I didn't get a chance to take any pictures, but I'll no doubt show the magazine when I get a copy. Koichiro has asked me to provide fifty pieces for an exhibition in Tokyo in January, which is very exciting.

My next show is at Kigbere Manor and is with a group of very distinguished potters with whom I'm proud to be associated. It's an exhibition of teabowls (or drinking cups)and teapots - I'll post some images of my pieces soon, they've come out very nicely thankfully.
This evening I will be taking part in the dress rehearsal for the village play which opens tomorrow - I still don't know my lines - eek!! I play the part of a policeman, so tomorrow the twice annual haircut has to happen, so bye bye crazy curly locks. After this weekend, I get my life back to some kind of normality. It's been too much really, so it'll be good to get back into a sensible pattern. I realize how much I love this blog on the rare occasion that I've had time to update it recently. Facebook is very easy - I can just upload my photos into albums without having to do too much writing, so it's quick, but it isn't the same as blogging. I'm always really happy to hear your comments, but rarely get a chance to reply to them, for which I feel very rude, please forgive me. The last few months have been hardcore, late nights, working every weekend since February, but now America is done, Rufford is done, village play is nearly done, soon I will have my evenings back and blogging will be back if anybody is still out there to read it.
We are all still here, Doug, glad to hear the news!
Yeah, I'm still stalking from a distance as usual. Look forward to the normal regular blogging. Great pots as always. Have a good run with the play.
Hey. Good update. V. exciting about the Tokyo gig! Hope to catch up soon.
Yeah, you're still with me! :-)
I've never posted a comment before, but just wanted to let you know that another reader is very happy to see a new post.
Break a leg!
welcome back doug we bought 3 pots off you from rufford (2 large jugs and a jar) just let you know they look fantastic in my mums old cottage. great day out
hope to vist honest pots in york next.
will try and keep uptodate with you're blog. good luck with the japanees exhibition
thomas & jo
Congtrats on the Tokyo thing,maybe you will be slipping over there soon.tim
Hey hey we're still hear. Fab pots, no wonder they sold so well they are particularly stunning this time my dear.
Cheers all. Bethany, good to 'meet' you, thank you for calling by and for your sweet comment. Hey Thomas, glad the pots look good - that harvest jug had a good hot firing - it reminded me of some old Winchcombe pots. Honest Pots is a great show, I hope you can get along. Tim, it would be amazing to go over to Tokyo, who knows, it might happen. The spikey plants you gave me are about to burst in to flower. H, bless yer, was lovely to see you
Congrats for the Gallery St. Ives, how exciting! It was lovely to meet you at E&F. xm
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