I had a visit today from Janette, who is a student of art and design at a local college. It was really great chatting about arty stuff - understanding of materials etc. One thing about spending a lot of time on my own is that I can have a tendency to rabbit on a bit when I do have company. I think I probably rabbit on most days, but usually there's nobody there to hear other than the birds outside the window. Anyway, it was thoroughly enjoyable.
These are some of the pots I made yesterday, handled and ready for slipping in the morning.
The wander home was beautiful. The sky was stormy looking, we've had a fair bit of rain today, but by home time it had pretty much dried up. The light from the evening sunshine made the colours very vivid, lime greens and intense blues of flowers in the hedgerow.
Lots of rain and mud.
It'll all going to start changing soon I think, last night the wind laid a layer of yellow leaves on the lanes.
The ivy's covered in bobbly flowers at the moment - they may be seeds and not flowers I guess, either way, they're really pretty.
It's my Mother's birthday today Happy Birthday Mother, love you! xxxx
You live in HEAVEN don't you?
It's pronounced DEVON...
... I'll get my coat...
Oh and they're flowers by the way - very good/important source of nectar for late insects.
you really have a nice life..........
Happy Birthday to your mum...Momma Fitch? Truly, you do live in one of the most lovely places on the planet. My maiden name is Kent. Maybe I need to return to England and do some firsthand geneology!!!
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