Monday 22 October 2012


Good evening all

A brief post to let you know that I'm gradually getting back on my feet again, still feeling not quite right, but in a much better place than I was last week. Thank you for all the love and support that you have shared with me.

This morning my day was brightened up by a surprise visit from my old buddy Simon Hancox. We were at college together nearly thirty years ago, it was great to see him and it got the week off to a good start.

I finished off the cider jar, it took pretty much all day.
And got these jugs top coated, finished and drying on the bench.

It's tricky getting the slip on to these pots and I end up with more on myself and the workshop floor than I do on the jug. Much mopping was required afterwards.
Before heading home, I made another big 16lb jug. I thought it might be good to have a green one to go with the others, so I'll start decorating it tomorrow.

Short but sweet
Happy Tuesday everybody


Ron said...

They look amazing Doug. Great form and deco. I'm sure they are monsters to slip. Well done.

Quietly Otaku said...

Beautiful that cider jar looks like a monster! I love the floral detail on it, hope your feeling better soon!

Dennis Allen said...

Glad you are improving. Keep putting one foot in front of the other.

doug Fitch said...

thank you folks