Thursday, 17 May 2012

Wednesday on Thursday

Good morning Hurrah, the sgrafitto jug came out fine - what a huge relief. I was feeling quite sick with nerves when I opened the door to the kiln - I think you can probably sense my trepidation and then my subsequent relief. I now have to get the glaze on to it and fire it again successfully, but so far, so good, it didn't blow up and the handle stayed on, phew. I still didn't manage to get on the wheel yesterday, once again it was a day of decorating, but today, at long last, I'll get started on making lidded jars. It's been nearly three weeks since I made any pots. The sun shone yesterday, the woods are now fully verdant, the hedgerows are exploding with Campion and umbellifers - Spring is here for sure. Got to fly, kiddiwinks to school, then off to work for another long day. I hope you all have a good one Bye for now


  1. So glad about the scraffito jug. It would have been a loss to mankind...I am breathing easier with you!

  2. Now can't wait to see The Jug glazed and DONE. ;)

  3. Yes, I look forward to the glazed version as well. Happy making.

  4. I'll be happy when it comes out glazed and finished - it scares me to death even having it in my workshop!

  5. I agree exciting news about the Jug, good to hear its firing went well : )
