Thursday, 29 January 2009


It's been another very long day today, glazing and packing the kiln.

It was fantastic having Alex's help.

By the time Marky Mark arrived this evening, we'd finished stacking the back which is the hardest bit as it demands lots of climbing in and out of the kiln.

Then we worked hard to finish the front. It's full, - there were a few pots left over, so they'll make the next firing in March.

The gas burner's in overnight to drive away any moisture and we'll start first thing in the morning.

Matt's coming down to help. Check out this great page all about him on the Ceramike site.

Marky Mark is joining us later in the day and Jess is going to come up in the evening for a shift. During her time with me she'll have dug and processed clay, made pots, mixed slip, mixed glaze and fired the kiln.

Off to bed, cross your fingers for me!


ang design said...

nicely done doug and team, you're well lucky to have a great bunch on this firing! i do like the mug balancing at top of the stack just a little cowboy!! i put a couple of beakers inside my 'bag wall' last firing with lovely results, here's to a good firing mr fitch..

Jerry said...

Here's to a great firing. You all have fun!

Ron said...

Stoke it up!
Hey I'm firing today too! (I just pushed the button) (what a wuss)

Gary's third pottery blog said...

fingers crossed, yes indeedy, and look at the lovely tall jugs proudly standing in the middle-top!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

OH, and I am firing too to ^06, although my kiln is, of course, like a microwave oven.....

Anonymous said...

Hi Doug,

Hope you've had a good firing.

You're on Ebay!
